06 July 2012

A Guidebook Someone Wanted to Include My Guidance In (And She Wasn't High At the Time!)

The tireless champion of creative mothers everywhere, Miranda Hersey of Studio Mothers, has decided to include my 2 cents in her new eBook,  The Creative Mother’s Guide: Six Creative Practices for the Early Years. I am immensely flattered something I said in an interview three years ago made the cut. So if you are an artist and a mother, struggling to balance your creative endeavors with meeting the demands of your children, you might want to download a copy. Don't let the fire die out, ladies! It is possible to maintain your creative self. In fact, maintaining "your self" is easier than maintaining yourself (you know, showers, grooming and the like) if you learn how to practice. That's the reason why my eyebrows are a mess, anyway. True story.


Nicole (carried a paint can) said...

Well deserved! More people need to be aware of your talent and opinions.

EM Hum said...

LOL, thanks Nicole. Most people I know are pretty aware of my opinions, at least.